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Announcement: Free Creative Skills and English Language Learning Activities for Ukrainian Children/Teenagers Relocated from Ukraine

Announcement: Free Creative Skills and English Language Learning Activities for Ukrainian Children/Teenagers Relocated from Ukraine

Between November 1st – December 15th, 2024, American Corner Bucharest – a partnership between the US Embassy in Bucharest and the National Library of Romania – organizes free Creative Skills and English Language Learning activities for Ukrainian children/teenagers relocated from Ukraine.

Young Ukrainians interested in this opportunity must fulfill the following conditions:

  • Hold Ukrainian citizenship (attested by their passport, national identity card or birth certificate issued by the Ukrainian state)
  • Be a children or a teenager
  • The classes will take place in-person at the American Corner Bucharest, in the National Library of Romania building (22 Unirii Bd., 030833, Sector 3, Bucharest) or online in certain days.

How to register:

  • Between October 17th – 31st, 2024, please send us by email at the following documents or bring them at the American Corner Bucharest:  
  1. Copy of your Ukrainian passport/ Ukrainian national identity card/Ukrainian birth certificate
  2. For minors only: A copy of one of the parent’s Ukrainian passport/Ukrainian national identity card.
  3. The following information in latin alphabet characters: First Name and Last Name, Contact details (phone number, email address), current level of English knowledge (Beginner, Intermediate or Advanced)

Notification of admittance

  • By the end of October 31st, you will be notified by email about your acceptance to the classes and you will be given more details about the first class.

Other things to note:

  • American Corner Bucharest is located within the National Library building, floor 1, section E, room 01-03.
  • If you seek more information, please write us at:

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* Biblioteca Naţională a României respectă prevederile Legii nr. 190/2018 privind măsuri de punere în aplicare a Regulamentului (UE) 2016/679 al Parlamentului European şi al Consiliului din 27 aprilie 2016, privind protecţia persoanelor fizice în ceea ce priveşte prelucrarea datelor cu caracter personal şi privind libera circulaţie a acestor date.