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Selection of Native Ukrainian Speaking Teachers of English

Selection of Native Ukrainian Speaking Teachers of English

Between October 10th – 17th, 2024, American Corner Bucharest from the National Library of Romania organizes a selection for a native Ukrainian speaking teacher of English. The selected candidate will hold creative skills and English language practice activities to Ukrainian displaced youth from November 4th until December 15th, 2024. The teaching is being remunerated in RON.

People interested in this teaching opportunity must meet the following requirements:

  • Be Romanian citizens OR Ukrainian citizens who speak Ukrainian at native-level
  • To be over 18 years old
  • Have the right to work in Romania
  • Hold a University diploma in Humanities – specialization: English Language
  • Hold a Certificate of completion of the psycho-pedagogical module or its equivalent from the country of origin
  • Have at least 1 year of teaching experience

If you are interested to apply, please send us by email at the following requested documents or bring the following documents at the American Corner Bucharest:

  • Copy of your National Identity Card/ Passport/Birth Certificate
  • Copy of your temporary permit stay in Romania (for Ukrainian citizens)
  • Copy of your University diploma (minimum B.A.) from a higher-educational institution recognized by the Ministry of Education in Romania or by the Ministry of Education in the country of origin
  • Copy of your psycho-pedagogical certificate or its equivalent from the country of origin

*** If you do not have them physically but you can provide them in other way (ex: scanned documents), please specify that when you arrive with your file for selection. Also, please see the self-declaration form below.

  • Self-Declaration in English or Romanian for taking full responsibility on the authenticity of the documents included in the folder, for holding the necessary academic studies and the relevant professional experience in teaching English and for not having criminal convictions. (attached 🔗here)
  • Curriculum Vitae in English
  • Short written proposal in English detailing the planning of multiple creative skills workshops – with individual and group activities, handmade activities, ice-breaking games and creative-thinking games designed to improve the children’s English vocabulary and speaking skills. When writing your proposal, please keep in mind that the future students will be children/teenagers and the activities will take place between November 4th – December 15th, 2024.
  • Any other document that you may find relevant for this selection (ex: certificates, diplomas etc.)

            On October 22nd, 2024 by the end of the day, the selected candidate(s) will be notified by email on the email address provided in their CV to attend the last stage of the selection – the interview. The interview will take place on October 24th or 28th, 2024. The final results will be transmitted to the selected candidate(s) on October 31st, 2024.

If you have any questions, please write us at  

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* Biblioteca Naţională a României respectă prevederile Legii nr. 190/2018 privind măsuri de punere în aplicare a Regulamentului (UE) 2016/679 al Parlamentului European şi al Consiliului din 27 aprilie 2016, privind protecţia persoanelor fizice în ceea ce priveşte prelucrarea datelor cu caracter personal şi privind libera circulaţie a acestor date.